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Running and Reflecting...NO Posting

While my intentions have been good, my commitment to post my running reflections has waned! Make no mistake, I have been running and I have been reflecting while I run. However, I have not been faithful to post those reflections. My purpose in creating this blog was to capture those thoughts before they disappear as many good thoughts often do!

I will not attempt to catch up the last 5 plus months in one post, but I will try to start being more faithful to post. My thinking is that this blog is for my benefit, but if others start reading this blog and gain anything from are welcome.

My runs over the last 5 months have included some epic locations. I have ran at Palo Duro Canyon State Park in Texas and some other city trails in Texas. Those runs have been quite enjoyable, but I am still partial to my runs in East Tennessee.

Running is my personal "happy place" as it allow me the physical and mental challenge I need to be at my best. When I am unable to run I still reflect and think, but for me it is the combination that helps me to feel the best physically and to be clear of the daily distractions that can cloud my thinking.

Happy running and reflecting!


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